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Future-proof cybersecurity for any industry. Tackle your unique cybersecurity challenges with tailored protection, continuous risk management, and proactive defense strategies.


As the world of healthcare goes digital, the urgency to protect sensitive patient data from cyber threats increases. ArmorPoint ensures that as your healthcare organization undergoes digital transformation, patient data remains shielded from evolving threats

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Doctor typing on a laptop at a table next to a stethoscope

Patient Data Protection

Safeguard patient records and ensure HIPAA compliance by implementing rigorous data security protocols. ArmorPoint’s holistic approach ensures patient information remains confidential and secure at all times.

Medical Device Security

Medical devices are becoming increasingly interconnected, making them prime targets for cyber threats. ArmorPoint focuses on fortifying these devices against potential breaches, ensuring uninterrupted patient care and upholding the highest standards of safety.

Ransomware Readiness

Proactively defend against ransomware attacks that can cripple healthcare systems, ensuring uptime and continued delivery of quality patient care. ArmorPoint’s strategies are designed to prevent, detect, and respond to threats promptly, minimizing potential disruptions.

Overhead view of a manufacturing warehouse


The modern manufacturing landscape, driven by IoT devices and automation, demands robust cybersecurity program management. As these innovations introduce unforeseen vulnerabilities, ArmorPoint stands vigilant, ensuring uninterrupted operations free from cyber disruptions.

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Production Line Protection

Modern manufacturing is more than just machinery; it’s a blend of technology, craftsmanship, and innovation. ArmorPoint ensures that this synergy is not disrupted by cyber threats, keeping your production lines operating smoothly.

Supply Chain Security

A single weak link in the supply chain can have cascading effects. ArmorPoint’s robust solutions ensure that every touchpoint, from suppliers to end customers, remains uncompromised and protected from potential breaches.

Intellectual Property Defense

Proprietary designs and processes give companies a competitive advantage. ArmorPoint diligently protects these invaluable assets from cyber espionage and unauthorized access.


Protecting public health is a profound responsibility. ArmorPoint’s cybersecurity solutions offer unmatched protection, specifically designed to meet the complex needs of the pharmaceutical industry, safeguarding sensitive data and advancing medical innovations.

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Group of doctors talking to pharmaceutical sales representative on conference.

Data Integrity

Protect vital pharmaceutical data and patient records with our cybersecurity solutions, ensuring defense against sophisticated cyber threats. Safeguard research integrity and maintain your status as a trusted leader in healthcare innovation.

Infrastructure Security

Protect your pharmaceutical infrastructure with our unified cybersecurity solutions. Ensure uninterrupted operations in research, manufacturing, and distribution, crucial for maintaining public health, safety, and confidence in the pharmaceutical industry’s resilience.

Screen view of stocks data

Financial Services

Financial transactions and sensitive client data make the financial sector a lucrative target for cyber criminals. ArmorPoint’s tailored cybersecurity program management solutions shield financial institutions against these threats, promoting trust and business continuity.

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Transactional Integrity

ArmorPoint safeguards every financial transaction from fraud, protecting your assets and maintaining your reputation for secure and trustworthy operations.

Compliance Mastery

ArmorPoint provides expert guidance through the complex regulations in finance, continuously adapting to maintain compliance and minimize risk in a dynamic regulatory landscape.

Fraud Prevention

ArmorPoint deploys advanced measures to prevent, detect, and neutralize fraudulent activity, protecting financial institutions and their clients with future-proof security solutions.


In a cloud-first world, SaaS companies thrive on innovation but are often targeted by cyber threats. ArmorPoint offers robust security solutions tailored specifically for comprehensive software security, data protection, and continuous monitoring.

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View of a computer screen that shows code

Application Security

ArmorPoint’s application protection measures are relentless, ensuring software vulnerabilities are quickly found and fixed for unmatched security, safeguarding your digital products from inception to deployment.

Data Encryption and Backup

ArmorPoint protects your data with the latest in encryption and backup technology, keeping your information secure and readily available. Our comprehensive recovery systems are designed to minimize downtime and prevent data loss, making sure you’re covered in any situation.

Continuous Monitoring

With 24/7/365 surveillance, ArmorPoint secures your software services against intrusion round-the-clock, ensuring dependable uptime and trust, keeping threats at bay with constant oversight.

Group of Eaton electric meters

Higher Education

Educational technology should serve as a secure bridge to knowledge, not a potential vulnerability. ArmorPoint enhances student data safety, protects academic research, and bolsters campus-wide security.

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Student Data Safety

ArmorPoint deploys cutting-edge measures to protect students’ personal and academic information, ensuring institutions meet stringent data protection standards like FERPA.

Research Protection

ArmorPoint shields academic research from cyber threats, preserving the integrity and value of scholarly work and intellectual property, ensuring that innovation remains secure from concept to publication.


Utilities and Energy are the backbone of modern society. As these sectors embrace digital transformation, cybersecurity becomes paramount. ArmorPoint ensures uninterrupted services by guarding against cyber threats.

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Utility lines on a flat landscape next to sunset

Ensure Delivery of Essential Services

ArmorPoint’s dedicated cybersecurity measures fortify utility infrastructures, maintaining the consistent delivery of essential services and safeguarding the foundation of modern society against disruptions.

Compliance and Regulation

ArmorPoint ensures utilities meet and excel in industry-specific standards, keeping pace with evolving regulations for unwavering compliance, and solidifying your reputation as a leader in regulatory excellence.

Real-time Threat Monitoring

With 24×7 threat monitoring, ArmorPoint swiftly identifies and mitigates threats, ensuring uninterrupted service, safeguarding essential utilities, and maintaining operational continuity.

Clothing rack holding colorful coats at a storefront


In the retail industry, a breach can have far-reaching implications for consumer trust and brand reputation. ArmorPoint’s comprehensive security solutions address the threats faced by retailers.

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POS System Security

ArmorPoint’s robust security solutions protect point-of-sale (POS) systems from breaches, ensuring secure transactions and compliance with frameworks like PCI DSS.

Customer Data Assurance

We shield sensitive customer data, ensuring their shopping experience remains both enjoyable and secure. From payment information to personal preferences, all data is kept private, secure, and confidential.

E-commerce Protection

Our robust defenses ensure that your online retail platforms are fortified against potential cyber threats. With ArmorPoint, ensure your customers enjoy a safe, secure online shopping experience.

Professional Services

The professional services industry thrives on trust, expertise, and confidentiality. ArmorPoint’s cybersecurity safeguards ensure that client trust is never compromised, upholding your firm’s reputation and integrity.

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Two business partners shaking hands

Data Confidentiality

ArmorPoint enforces ironclad protection of client data, bolstering trust and ensuring project details remain confidential, preserving the integrity crucial to professional services firms’ success.

Collaboration Security

ArmorPoint secures communication channels, enabling teams to collaborate without risking intellectual integrity, ensuring innovation and client information stay safeguarded from unauthorized access.

Regulatory Compliance

ArmorPoint streamlines adherence to complex regulations, ensuring professional services firms meet industry-specific compliance requirements with confidence, avoiding penalties, and maintaining client trust.

Court house view from the ground looking up toward the top of the building, blue skies in the background.

Elevate your legal firm’s security with a fully integrated cybersecurity management ecosystem to uphold your reputation, and ensure the utmost protection of sensitive data.

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POS System Security

ArmorPoint’s robust security solutions protect point-of-sale (POS) systems from breaches, ensuring secure transactions and compliance with frameworks like PCI DSS.

Customer Data Assurance

We shield sensitive customer data, ensuring their shopping experience remains both enjoyable and secure. From payment information to personal preferences, all data is kept private, secure, and confidential.

E-commerce Protection

Our robust defenses ensure that your online retail platforms are fortified against potential cyber threats. With ArmorPoint, ensure your customers enjoy a safe, secure online shopping experience.

More from ArmorPoint

Managed SOC

Propel your businesses towards future-proof cybersecurity. Experience streamlined cybersecurity program management with ArmorPoint’s unified approach to SOC management.

Managed Risk

Embrace a proactive risk management approach to take control and drive forward with confidence. Strengthen your security posture and illuminate risks before they escalate.

Managed Strategy

Scale your business while strengthening your defenses at every turn. With insights rooted in your business’ goals, our Managed Strategy solutions offer comprehensive roadmaps to cyber resilience.

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